Stelos Superstar: Cole Adams

21 May

Cole Adams

Cole Adams has lived nearly his entire life in the Hill Country with his parents Griz and Karen Adams (Both Texas State Alumni), and ever since he can remember he’s wanted to continue his parents’ legacy and become a Bobcat.

Cole is pursuing his Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with an entrepreneurial concentration and is currently enrolled in a staggering 21 hours. Even though he had limited time this past semester, Cole dedicated himself completely to the Housley Principled Leadership Program. This dedication and his strong interest in self-improvement through studying and self-reflection made him an obvious candidate for a Spring 2014 Housley Principled Leadership Scholarship.

“The time I put into the class was well worth it. I’m confident in saying that many of the lessons I learned throughout the course will stick with me for the rest of my life. I realized that there are two things that genuinely make me come alive: maintaining meaningful relationships with those closest to me and experiencing new situations though travel and meeting new people.”

Cole just received the College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative Scholarship from the United States Coast Guard, so five years from now he will be serving as an officer somewhere in the United States making his country and his Housley tribe very proud.

Congratulations again Cole!


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